Professionals should not go up against their regulator alone

As your chiropractor lawyer, were are here for you if The College of Chiropractors of Ontario (“CCO”) attempts to take disciplinary action.  The CCO can:

  • decide who has a certificate to practice as a chiropractor
  • handle complaints against chiropractor

But your College does not work for you.  The CCO can:

  • deny applicant’s applications for a certificate to practice as a chiropractor or
  • suspend, revoke or place terms, conditions, or limitations on a chiropractor’s certificate to practice

If you plan to apply to the CCO or have received notice of complaint it is critical that you retain legal representation to protect your rights.  

Our team of experienced chiropractor lawyers assists you with legal matters including:

  • Advising chiropractors on compliance with relevant legislation and standards
  • Responding to complaints and investigations made against chiropractors
  • Representing chiropractors before the Fitness to Practise Committee
  • Representing chiropractors in disciplinary hearings before the Chiropractors Discipline Committee
  • Advocating for chiropractors, helping them through the College’s complaint resolution process
  • Representing chiropractors in appeals before the Divisional Court of Ontario
College of Chiropractors Appeals Fitness to Practise Committee Discipline Committee Screening Committee Registration


Applying for a license (Certificate of Registration) for either supervised or autonomous practise is a complicated process.  

To become registered with the CCO, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Graduated from an accredited chiropractic college
  • Successfully completed the Canadian Chiropractic Examining Board knowledge-based and clinical competency examinations
  • Successfully completed CCO’s Legislation and Ethics examination

Once an application is finished, it will be reviewed by CCO’s The Registrar who can either:

  • Register the applicant
  • Refer the application to the Registration Committee

If an application is reviewed by the Registration Committee, they have the ability to:

  • Register the applicant chiropractor
  • Register the applicant with terms, conditions, or limitations
  • Exempt the applicant from certain exemptible requirements of the registration requirements
  • Direct the applicant to submit additional information or fulfill additional requirements

As your chiropractor lawyer, we can help you prepare this information and offer legal advice on concerns you may have.  If you are planning to apply for a certificate from the CCO, reach out to learn how we can help.

Screening Committee

The College of Chiropractors of Ontario (“CCO”) fields complaints from:

  • members of the public
  • clients of chiropractors
  • employers of chiropractors
  • other chiropractors

Members of the College are mandated to file a complaint, if during their practice they believe they’ve encountered reasonable grounds to believe that another member of the same or different College has sexually abused a patient. 

The initial step of the complaint process is with the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee, often referred to as the “ICRC”.

The ICRC is a written process – the complainant, the CCO and the member of the college exchange a series of documents:

  • A complaint against a member of the CCO is made
  • The CCO provides the member with an official acknowledgement of the complaint
  • The member is presented with the opportunity to file a written response to the complaint
  • The ICRC issues a decision  

The potential outcomes of a decision include:

  • No further action to be taken
  • Issue advice or caution a member
  • Mandate a member to attend a continuing education or remediation program
  • Refer the matter to the Discipline or Fitness to Practise Committee

These outcomes may have very serious financial and personal implications for members.  If you have received a complaint from the CCO, please contact us today.

Discipline Committee

If the ICRC considers a complaint to be “high risk” it may be referred to the Discipline Committee.

Before a matter is given a hearing before the Discipline Committee a pre-hearing may occur.  A pre-hearing is an opportunity for the College and the member to informally present their case.  

A pre-hearing at a college can be used to:

  • Reduce the allegations against a member
  • Reduce the penalty being sought by a member
  • Raise important legal issues before trial

At the Discipline Committee a trial may take place where witnesses are called, and evidence is heard.

Outcomes at the Discipline Committee can include:

  • Revocation of the member’s certificate
  • Suspension of the member’s certificate
  • Terms, conditions, and limitations imposed on the member’s certificate
  • Orders for the member to pay some or all of the costs of a trial

These are very serious public outcomes.  If your matter has or could be referred to the Discipline Committee, please get in touch with us.

Fitness to Practise Committee

The Fitness to Practise Committee is a specialized Committee handling cases where a member’s conduct was affected by an ongoing medical physical or mental health condition.  

A referral to the Fitness to Practise Committee can offer a number of benefits to members, because:

  • Complaints are typically addressed in a private manner
  • The goal of the process is to ensure the health of the member

It is, however, unusual for members to be referred to Fitness to Practise Committees without legal representation.  It takes experienced and dedicated legal representation to present the evidence that screening Committees, like the ICRC, will consider before making a referral to Fitness to Practise.  If there is a complaint against you, please reach out.


Decisions of the:

  • ICRC, and
  • Registration Committee

can be appealed to the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board (“HPARB”).

Decisions of the:

  • Discipline Committee, and
  • Fitness to Practise Committee,

can be appealed to the Ontario Divisional Court. 

More often than not, self-represented individuals are usually unsuccessful during appeals.  We have unique expertise in appeals from regulatory colleges.  If you are looking to make an appeal, please contact a chiropractor lawyer at Unified today.

Lawyer for Chiropractor FAQ

What should I do if I receive a notice of disciplinary action from the CCO?

If you receive a notice from the College of Chiropractors of Ontario, it’s crucial to act promptly. Contact a chiropractor lawyer at Unified LLP immediately to secure legal representation. Our experienced professional discipline lawyers can help you understand the allegations and prepare an effective response.

How can Unified LLP assist me during the CCO disciplinary process?

Unified LLP can represent you throughout the disciplinary process, including pre-hearing conferences, hearings, and any necessary appeals. Our services include reviewing the evidence, preparing your defense, negotiating resolutions, and representing you at hearings.

What are the possible outcomes of a disciplinary action?

Outcomes can vary, ranging from dismissal of the charges to penalties such as fines, remedial actions like additional training, suspension, or even revocation of your license. Our goal is to minimize the impact on your professional license and career.

Can Unified LLP help me with compliance to prevent future disciplinary actions?

Yes, we can assist you in understanding and complying with the regulations and standards set by the CCO. As your professional discipline lawyer, we offer compliance audits, training sessions, and ongoing legal advice to help prevent future legal issues and disciplinary actions.

What experience does Unified LLP have with chiropractic disciplinary cases?

Unified LLP has extensive experience representing healthcare professionals, including chiropractors, in disciplinary cases. Our chiropractor lawyers are well-versed in the specific legal issues and regulations affecting the chiropractic profession.

How should I prepare for a disciplinary hearing?

Preparation is key to a successful outcome. Our team will work closely with you to gather and review all relevant documents, prepare your testimony, and develop a comprehensive defense strategy. We also conduct mock hearings to ensure you are well-prepared for the actual proceedings. As your professional regulation lawyer, we’ll do everything possible to ensure your hearing is as successful as possible.

Can Unified LLP handle appeals if I disagree with the disciplinary decision?

Absolutely. If you wish to appeal a disciplinary decision, we can represent you in the appeal process. Our professional discipline lawyers will review the initial findings, advise on the viability of an appeal, and represent you throughout the appellate proceedings.

How can I contact Unified LLP for immediate legal assistance?

For immediate assistance, schedule a consultation, or call our office directly. Our legal team is ready to support you in protecting your professional interests and navigating the complexities of the disciplinary process.