You may have a claim against your employer or former employer. An employment lawyer Mississauga free consultation is the best way to find out.

During your employment lawyer Mississauga free consultation we’ll help you determine if you have a potential legal claim against your employer or former employer. When we work for you, it will typically be on a contingency fee – that means that you don’t pay a cent unless you win or settle your case. The employment lawyers at Unified LLP select strong cases—and if we do not believe that your case is strong, we will tell you, free of charge. At Unified LLP, our team of employment lawyers in Mississauga have the experience and knowledge necessary to help you determine next steps in your specific employment-related circumstances. Our contingency fees can be up to 33% of the award or settlement, but vary from case to case.

Work with employment lawyers in Mississauga that have experience with a variety of employment law matters, including:

  • Wrongful Dismissal
  • Unpaid Overtime
  • Unpaid Vacation Pay
  • Constructive Dismissal
  • Unpaid Commissions
  • Restrictive Covenants
  • Unpaid Bonuses
  • Discrimination

Wrongful Dismissal Lawyer Mississauga

Wrongful dismissal is when an employee  has been terminated without the provision of reasonable notice of termination. What determines reasonable notice? Among other factors, it is based on the employee’s length of service, age, and position. Older employees who have worked longer and in more senior/specialized roles are entitled to more notice of termination. Many employers offer a severance package in lieu of reasonable notice of termination. Terminated employees should always have a wrongful dismissal lawyer Mississuaga to review their employment history and severance package offer before accepting.

Constructive Dismissal Lawyer Mississauga

A constructive dismissal lawyer Mississauga will help you navigate a situation where an employer unilaterally (without consultation) and materially changes the terms of an employment contract. Some examples of a constructive dismissal include: demotion, decrease in pay, and changing of responsibilities. If you believe you have faced constructive dismissal, then it is prudent to work with a constructive dismissal lawyer in Mississauga to have the best chance at success with your case.

Unpaid Overtime

The law has overtime pay mandates – but too often, employers fail to meet those requirements. The labour law is clear:  Employment Standards Act, 2000, S.O. 2000, c. 41 or the Canada Labour Code, R.S.C. 1985 c. L-2 determines whether you are entitled to overtime pay – not an employment contract, your employer’s habits, or their beliefs. Many employers in fact erroneously believe that salaried employees are not entitled to overtime pay; salaried employees are entitled to overtime pay. Employers also often pay overtime on base salary, not other wages (like commission) that need to be accounted for when determining the amount owed. Get in touch with a leading employment lawyer Mississauga today.

Unpaid Vacation Pay

Many employers don’t pay employees proper vacation pay as required by law. Too often, employers continue to pay an employee their base salary while they are on vacation. But if you earn wages other than salary (which includes commission or bonus) it is likely that the employer is required by law to pay vacation pay on those amounts as well.  Get in touch with our Mississauga employment lawyers and we’ll help you determine what you are entitled to.

Facing employment issues? Our Mississauga employment law firm can help.

The law governing the relationship between employees and employers is complex and nuanced. Attempting to navigate the legal process without the appropriate help is daunting – and too often results in less-than-ideal outcomes. 

That’s why we highly recommend retaining legal services from an experienced employment lawyer in Mississauga who is well versed in the relevant legal standards and will fight on behalf of your interests. 

At Unified LLP, we review the merits of your employment case for free, assess the chances of success, and will likely provide legal advice and represent you on a contingency fee basis; we only get paid if your case is successful or we reach a settlement. Get your employment lawyer Mississauga free consultation today and let our law office help you in resolving complex employment-related legal matters.

Employment Lawyer Mississauga FAQ

What is an employment lawyer and what types of work do they do in Mississauga?

An employment lawyer in Mississauga is an employment law expert. They provide legal counsel to both employees and employers. Mississauga employment lawyer cases can involve: wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, contract disputes, and more. At Unified LLP, we only represent employees, not employers.

When should I hire an employment lawyer in Mississauga?

When faced with workplace issues such as unfair treatment, wrongful termination, discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying, negotiating employment contracts, or have concerns relating to your rights as an employee, then it’s prudent to contact a Mississauga employment lawyer. Between the free consultation and the contingency fee, there’s almost never an upfront cost to pursuing an employment-related legal claim with Unified LLP.

What should I look for when hiring a Mississauga employment lawyer?

The first thing worth considering is experience – have they handled similar cases in the past and do they have a strong track record of achieving successful outcomes for clients? Next, you’ll want to consider the fee structure (retainer/hourly vs contingency fee). Something that’s often overlooked is how engaged are they – do they treat you like an individual, or just another file? And you’ll always want to make sure you’re dealing with the lawyers themselves – not their assistants.

How much does it cost to hire an employment lawyer in Mississauga?

Costs vary depending on a number of factors including: complexity of the case, lawyer’s experience and reputation, and the fee structure they follow (contingency vs. retainer/hourly fee).

Can an employment lawyer in Mississauga help me when negotiating severance packages?

Yes. Your employment lawyer will review the terms offered by your employer, review the contract overall, assess whether it is fair and reasonable, negotiate on your behalf to improve the terms, and ensure your rights are protected throughout the entire negotiation process.

How long do I have to file a claim with an employment lawyer in Mississauga?

Filing an employment-related claim will have specific time constraints dependent on the type of claim and circumstances. Generally, it ranges from 90 days to upwards of 15 years, depending on the type of claim and the facts of the case.

Can I consult with a wrongful termination lawyer if I believe I have been wrongfully terminated?

Absolutely. If you believe you have been wrongfully terminated, consulting with a wrongful termination lawyer is your best recourse. At Unified LLP, we will assess every detail of your case, determine the validity of your claim, and walk you through the process of seeking compensation or reinstatement. Reach out to us for a free consultation and we’ll explore your case.

Is it necessary to go to court for every employment-related matter?

Not all employment-related issues require a court appearance. Many disputes are resolved through negotiation, mediation, or alternative dispute resolution methods. We will always advise you on the best course of action given your unique set of circumstances and goals.

Can I contact an employment lawyer for a long-term disability claim?

You may, but you are better off contacting a long-term disability lawyer in Toronto who specializes in this field of law – which is also one of our practice areas at Unified LLP. If you have any questions relating to your long-term disability (LTD) application or claim, please give us a call.

What are your specific areas of expertise?
How do I schedule a consultation with an employment lawyer in Mississauga?

Reach out to us by phone or email and we’d be happy to look at your case.