A long term disability lawyer Oakville fighting on your behalf

Our team of long term disability lawyers in Oakville perform a free, confidential, and comprehensive assessment of your short-term or long-term disability benefits claim. This comes with zero obligations. It is our goal to make this process as stress free as possible. We work on a contingency fee arrangement which, depending on the case, will allocate 33% of the award or settlement to the firm. In other words, we don’t get paid unless you win – that’s the benefit of working with a leading long term disability lawyer Oakville. With over half of legitimate disability claims being rejected every year, we’re here to make things right.

Our Oakville disability lawyers can help with:

  • Submitting applications for short-term disability benefits
  • Evaluating applications for short-term disability benefits
  • Challenging denials of short-term disability benefits
  • Filing for long-term disability benefits
  • Assessing long-term disability benefits applications
  • Contesting denials of long-term disability benefits
  • Initiating legal action to secure rightfully owed benefits

Short Term Disability Lawyer

Short-term disability (STD) benefit is commonly included in employee benefits packages, offering support during temporary periods of disability.

STD and LTD benefits serve as income replacement for employees who cannot work or perform their usual job duties due to illness or injury. These benefits are part of a contractual agreement between the provider (employer or insurance company) and the beneficiary (you), designed to offer financial stability during difficult times.

Typically, the duration of STD benefits is limited, ranging from 12 weeks (about 3 months) to 24 weeks (around 6 months), depending on the policy’s terms. Should the need arise, and if eligible, STD benefits may transition into LTD benefits for extended support.

Eligibility for STD benefits hinges on the definition of being “totally disabled.” It’s crucial to note that “totally disabled” doesn’t imply a complete inability to work in any capacity. Instead, this term varies in definition from one policy to another, emphasizing the importance of understanding your specific policy’s criteria.

Regrettably, insurance companies frequently deny these benefits. However, with the assistance of a skilled short-term disability lawyer, you can contest these denials to secure the benefits you rightfully deserve. An experienced disability insurance lawyer is instrumental in navigating the complexities of your claim and ensuring the most favorable outcome.

For a complimentary evaluation of your eligibility for disability benefits, please contact us at 416-363-1112. Our team is ready to provide the guidance and support you need during this challenging time.

Why employees receive Short Term Disability benefits:

  • Substance dependency
  • Undergoing surgery
  • Convalescence post-surgery
  • Trauma or mishap (short-term or enduring)
  • Healing after a trauma or mishap
  • Mental health conditions (transient or lasting), including depression and anxiety
  • Emergence of a new illness or condition
  • Exacerbation of an existing health issue
  • Dealing with a family member’s passing

This list is not exhaustive. If ever in doubt, call our disability lawyers at 416-363-1112 for a free consultation.

Long Term Disability Lawyer

Similar to short-term disability benefits, long-term disability (LTD) benefits frequently form part of an employee’s benefits package.


LTD benefits serve as an income replacement for employees who are unable to work due to illness or injury.

Typically, LTD benefits commence following the conclusion of short-term disability benefits. In cases where short-term benefits are not provided by an employer, LTD benefits usually start after any employer-provided sick leave has been exhausted or following the end of Employment Insurance (EI) Sickness Benefits, which have a maximum duration of 15 weeks. For detailed information on your entitlements under long-term disability, consulting with a long-term disability lawyer is advisable.

The amount of LTD benefits often ranges from 60% to 80% of your usual or pre-disability earnings, depending on the specific terms of the disability insurance policy. In contrast to short-term benefits, LTD benefits can be extended to a claimant until the age of 65.

Eligibility for LTD benefits hinges on the definition of being “totally disabled.” It’s important to note that “totally disabled” does not imply an absolute inability to work in any capacity. Rather, “totally disabled” or “total disability” has specific definitions that vary from one policy to another.

At Unified LLP, our long-term disability lawyers are committed to ensuring you have the financial support needed during your recovery or as you adjust to new life circumstances. As your advocates, we will vigorously pursue every legal option available to support your case.

For complimentary support in assessing your eligibility for disability benefits, please contact us at 416-363-1112.

Common reasons employees receive Long Term Disability benefits:

  • Cancer
  • Addiction
  • Injury/accident (temporary or permanent)
  • Back injuries
  • Arm injuries
  • Shoulder injuries 
  • Leg injuries
  • Knee injuries
  • Hand injuries
  • Head injuries
  • Recovering from injury/accident
  • Mental health illness (temporary or permanent)
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bi-polar mood disorder
  • Substance abuse disorder
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Onset of an illness or disease
  • Migraines 
  • Epilepsy 
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Sleep disorders, such as Insomnia, Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Narcolepsy
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Chronic pain
  • Infections
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Diabetes Heart disease 
  • Lyme disease 
  • Multiple sclerosis 
  • Parkinson’s disease 
  • Flaring up of a pre-existing illness or disease 

This list is not exhaustive. If ever in doubt, call our Oakville disability lawyers at 416-363-1112 for a free and confidential consultation.

Disability Insurance Lawyer

Insurance companies have in the past rejected over half of legitimate disability claims in Ontario.

Whether you’re seeking assistance with short-term or long-term disability claims, Unified LLP boasts a track record of aiding clients in securing the maximum benefits rightfully due to them.

Choosing Unified LLP means you’ll be matched with a dedicated disability insurance attorney committed to vigorously advocating for your legal rights and entitlements.


Lawyers Specializing in Disability

Following an accident, illness, or any event resulting in your disability, we understand the immense stress such situations can cause – a reality we’ve witnessed repeatedly through our years of experience assisting numerous clients.

You deserve a long term disability lawyer in Oakville who combines empathy with dedication and possesses an in-depth understanding of Ontario’s disability laws. Our firm is home to seasoned attorneys who specialize in disability claims, ready to guide you through every step of the process. Recognizing the last thing you need is additional financial strain, we operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning our payment is contingent upon you securing the benefits you rightfully deserve.

We also provide a free consultation with a disability lawyer, allowing you to explore your options without the worry of extra costs.

Should you choose Unified LLP for your representation, be assured that we will leverage all available resources to contest the denial of your claims. This includes taking legal action and representing your case in court before a judge if required.

Contact us today to connect with disability lawyers who are committed to ensuring you obtain every entitlement legally owed to you by your employer and/or insurance provider.


Disability Benefits Lawyer

If you’re in search of a reliable long-term disability lawyer in Ontario committed to exerting every legal effort to secure the full benefits you’re entitled to, we invite you to contact the team at Unified.

We provide a free consultation with a disability lawyer, allowing you to explore your legal options without the added stress of financial burden.

Choosing Unified LLP for your legal representation means you can count on us to deploy every resource at our disposal to overturn the denial of your claims. This includes, if necessary, taking your case to court and arguing it before a judge.

Reach out to us today to connect with disability lawyers dedicated to ensuring you obtain every benefit you’re legally entitled to from your employer and/or insurance provider.


Experienced Injury Lawyers You Can Trust

Work with a disability law firm that has years of experience helping people in dire situations receive the full amount they are legally entitled to from their disability insurer. For legal support relating to both short-term and long-term disability, contact the team at Unified LLP.


Long Term Disability Oakville FAQs

What services do law firms specializing in disability claims offer?

Law firms in the field of disability claims provide comprehensive services, including navigating long-term disability insurance issues, managing the appeal process, and offering legal counsel for those dealing with chronic pain, injuries, or illnesses that hinder their ability to return to work.

When should I seek legal advice for my disability claim?

It’s highly recommended to seek legal advice immediately after your disability claim is denied or if you’re facing challenges with your insurance provider. A specialized disability lawyer can help you understand your rights and the steps necessary to secure the compensation you deserve.

How can a disability lawyer help if I’m unable to return to work due to chronic pain?

A long term disability lawyer Oakville can assist you in gathering the necessary medical evidence to support your claim, represent you in dealings with your insurance company, and ensure that your case for long-term disability benefits due to chronic pain is presented effectively.

What is the appeal process for a denied disability claim?

The appeal process for a denied disability claim involves submitting a formal request for your insurance company to reconsider their decision. This process can be complex and may require submitting additional medical evidence and legal arguments, which a disability lawyer can help prepare and present on your behalf.

Why is it highly recommended to work with a disability lawyer for my long-term disability claim?

Working with a disability lawyer is highly recommended because they bring expertise in disability law, understand the tactics used by insurance companies, and can navigate the legal system to advocate for the compensation you deserve. Their experience can be crucial in challenging denials and ensuring a successful appeal.

Can a disability lawyer help me if my ability to work is affected by an injury or illness?

Yes, a disability lawyer can provide significant assistance if your ability to work is compromised due to an injury or illness. They can help you file for long-term disability insurance benefits, guide you through the appeal process if your claim is denied, and fight for the compensation you deserve.

How long does it take to resolve a long term disability case?

The length of time a case takes to conclude can differ based on its intricacy and whether it proceeds to trial. Some situations might be settled within a few months, whereas others could extend over several years. Your attorney should be capable of offering a rough timeline for the duration your particular case may require.

Can I change my long term disability lawyer if I’m not satisfied?

Yes. Your new and previous attorney will collaborate to guarantee that all pertinent evidence and information is seamlessly transferred to your new legal representative.

Can I consult a disability lawyer before applying for benefits?

Yes, you can consult with a long term disability lawyer Oakville before applying for benefits.

What specific expertise does a long term disability lawyer bring to my case?

As your long term disability lawyer, the team at Unified LLP offers extensive knowledge of the federal disability benefits, long term disability insurance, the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, and all other relevant legal statues that can be leveraged to help you maximize the compensation you’re able to receive.

What should I bring to my initial consultation?

Ensure you bring all necessary documents, including your disability insurance policy, any letters of denial, medical records, and correspondence with your insurance company. These documents will assist the lawyer in evaluating your case and deciding on the best course of action.