A long term disability lawyer Kingston fighting for you

Work with a long term disability lawyer in Kingston with the necessary expertise to support your disability claim, we provide a free, no-obligation, confidential consultation to discuss your situation. This process is designed to be stress-free and comes with no commitments. Our firm operates on a contingency fee basis, charging charging a percentage of any recovery or settlement, but only if you win your case. Our pledge is simple: no success, no fees. With extensive experience in long-term disability law, we recognize that a significant portion of legitimate disability claims are denied annually. Our goal is to help you overcome these obstacles and secure the benefits you deserve.

Our Kingston disability lawyers help with:

  • Processing applications for short-term disability benefits
  • Reviewing applications for short-term disability benefits
  • Appealing denials of short-term disability benefits
  • Filing applications for long-term disability benefits
  • Evaluating long-term disability benefits applications
  • Disputing denials of long-term disability benefits
  • Initiating legal proceedings to secure rightfully owed benefits

Short Term Disability Lawyer

Short-term disability (STD) benefit are typically in your employee benefits packages, supporting you during temporary periods of disability.

STD and LTD benefits act as income replacements for employees who are unable to work or carry out their normal job duties due to illness or injury. These benefits form a part of a contractual arrangement between the provider (employer or insurance company) and the beneficiary (you), intended to provide financial relief during challenging periods.

The duration of STD benefits typically ranges from 12 weeks (about 3 months) to 24 weeks (approximately 6 months), based on the terms of the policy. When necessary, and if you qualify, STD benefits may convert into LTD benefits for prolonged support.

Eligibility for STD benefits hinges on the policy’s definition of being “totally disabled.” It is crucial to understand that “totally disabled” does not imply an absolute inability to work in any form. This definition varies across policies, underscoring the need to grasp the specifics of your particular policy.

Insurance companies often reject these claims. Nevertheless, with the help of a proficient short-term disability lawyer, you can challenge these rejections and reclaim the benefits you are entitled to. An adept disability insurance lawyer is crucial in effectively handling your claim and achieving the most favorable outcome.

For a risk-free, no-cost assessment of your eligibility for disability benefits, please reach out to us at 416-363-1112. Our team is prepared to offer the necessary support and guidance during this difficult time.

How employees receive Short Term Disability benefits:

  • Substance addiction
  • Surgical procedures
  • Recovery after surgery
  • Injuries or accidents (temporary or permanent)
  • Rehabilitation following an injury or accident
  • Mental health challenges (temporary or permanent), such as depression and anxiety
  • Onset of a new health issue
  • Worsening of a pre-existing medical condition
  • Coping with the death of a family member

This list is not exhaustive. If ever in doubt, call our disability lawyers at 416-363-1112 for a free consultation.

Long Term Disability Lawyers Kingston

Long-term disability (LTD) benefits are usually included in your benefits package.

LTD benefits act as income replacement for employees who are unable to work due to illness or injury.

Typically, LTD benefits begin after the conclusion of short-term disability benefits. If an employer does not offer short-term benefits, LTD benefits usually start after any employer-provided sick leave runs out or after Employment Insurance (EI) Sickness Benefits end, which have a maximum duration of 15 weeks. Consulting with a long-term disability lawyer can provide a thorough understanding of your rights under long-term disability.

The coverage amount of LTD benefits generally ranges from 60% to 80% of your normal or pre-disability income, depending on the specific conditions of the disability insurance policy. Unlike short-term benefits, LTD benefits can continue until the age of 65.

The qualification for LTD benefits is based on the policy’s definition of being “totally disabled.” It’s critical to understand that “totally disabled” does not necessarily mean completely unable to work under any circumstances. The term “totally disabled” or “total disability” varies in definition across different policies.

At Unified LLP, our long-term disability lawyers are dedicated to ensuring you receive the necessary financial support during your recovery or as you adapt to new life circumstances. We are committed to vigorously exploring every legal option available to uphold your claim.

For a free evaluation of your eligibility for disability benefits, please reach out to us at 416-363-1112.

You may be eligible for Long Term Disability benefits for the following:

  • Cancer
  • Addiction
  • Injury/accident (temporary or permanent)
  • Back injuries
  • Arm injuries
  • Shoulder injuries 
  • Leg injuries
  • Knee injuries
  • Hand injuries
  • Head injuries
  • Recovering from injury/accident
  • Mental health illness (temporary or permanent)
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bi-polar mood disorder
  • Substance abuse disorder
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Onset of an illness or disease
  • Migraines 
  • Epilepsy 
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Sleep disorders, such as Insomnia, Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Narcolepsy
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Chronic pain
  • Infections
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Diabetes Heart disease 
  • Lyme disease 
  • Multiple sclerosis 
  • Parkinson’s disease 
  • Flaring up of a pre-existing illness or disease 

This list is not exhaustive. If ever in doubt, call us at 416-363-1112 for a free and confidential consultation.

Disability Insurance Lawyer

Insurance companies have rejected over half of legitimate disability claims in Ontario in the past.

Whether you require assistance with short-term or long-term disability claims, Unified LLP has a proven track record of helping clients secure the maximum benefits to which they are rightfully entitled.

Choosing Unified LLP means you will work with a dedicated disability insurance attorney who is committed to robustly protecting your legal rights and entitlements.


Experienced in Disability Lawyers

After an accident, illness, or any incident resulting in a disability, we understand the considerable stress you might be under—a situation we have frequently encountered while assisting Ontarians in successfully obtaining disability benefits over the years.

You deserve a long-term disability lawyer in Kingston who is empathetic, dedicated, and deeply knowledgeable about Ontario’s disability laws. Our firm features experienced attorneys who specialize in disability claims, prepared to guide you through the entire process. Understanding the need to alleviate financial stress, we work on a contingency fee basis, meaning our fees depend solely on your success in obtaining the benefits you are entitled to.

We also offer a free consultation with a disability lawyer, giving you the opportunity to discuss your options without any financial obligation.

By selecting Unified LLP, you’ll have a team determined to leverage every available resource to overturn the denial of your claims, including pursuing legal action and representing you in court if required.

Contact us today to engage with disability lawyers dedicated to securing every benefit you are legally owed by your employer and/or insurance provider.


Disability Benefits Lawyer

If you require a dependable long-term disability lawyer in Ontario who is dedicated to thoroughly securing the full benefits you deserve, consider reaching out to the team at Unified.

We offer a free consultation with a disability lawyer, allowing you to discuss your legal options without any financial obligation.

By choosing Unified LLP for your legal representation, you can be confident that we will utilize every available resource to challenge the denial of your claims, including taking your case to court before a judge if necessary.

Contact us today to connect with disability lawyers committed to ensuring you receive every benefit you are legally entitled to from your employer and/or insurance provider.


Work with Injury Lawyers You Can Trust

Connect with an experienced disability law firm that will help you receive the full compensation you are entitled to from your disability insurer. For legal support for both short-term and long-term disability, contact the team at Unified LLP.


Long Term Disability Kingston FAQs

What does a long-term disability lawyer in Kingston do?

A long-term disability lawyer in Kingston specializes in helping individuals navigate the complex process of claiming disability benefits. They provide legal representation to clients who have been denied long-term disability benefits, assist in the preparation and submission of disability claims, and represent clients in appeals and litigation against insurance companies.

Why should I hire a long-term disability lawyer in Kingston?

Hiring a long-term disability lawyer can significantly increase your chances of obtaining a favorable outcome. These lawyers are well-versed in the nuances of disability law and can effectively argue your case, ensuring that all pertinent evidence is presented and that your rights are protected throughout the process.

What is involved in the disability claims process?

The disability claims process typically involves initially submitting a detailed application to your insurance provider that includes medical records, a statement from your employer, and a personal statement. If your claim is denied, the process can include an appeals phase where further documentation and evidence are submitted. It’s important to adhere to all deadlines and procedural requirements set by your insurance company to avoid delays or further denials.

When should I contact a long-term disability lawyer?

You should consider contacting a long-term disability lawyer as soon as your initial claim is denied or if you are facing difficulties in the application process. Early legal intervention can help streamline the appeals process and improve your chances of success.

What should I bring to my first consultation with a long-term disability lawyer?

For your first consultation, bring all relevant documentation related to your case. This includes any correspondence from your insurance company, your insurance policy, medical records detailing your condition, any denied claims, and a record of communications with your employer about your disability.

How do long-term disability lawyers in Kingston charge for their services?

Most long-term disability lawyers in Kingston operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if you win your case. The fee is typically a percentage of the benefits you receive. This arrangement makes legal services accessible to those who may not be able to afford upfront fees.

What can I expect during the legal process?

The legal process for a long-term disability claim can vary in length and complexity. Your lawyer will likely start by reviewing your case and advising you on the best course of action. This may involve gathering additional evidence, negotiating with the insurance company, or preparing for an appeal or trial. Your lawyer will keep you informed and involved at every stage of the process.

Can a long-term disability lawyer guarantee that my appeal will be successful?

No lawyer can guarantee the outcome of a case. However, a skilled long-term disability lawyer can give you a realistic assessment of your case’s strengths and weaknesses and work diligently to build a strong argument on your behalf.

What outcomes can I expect from hiring a long-term disability lawyer?

Outcomes can vary, but common results include obtaining a reversal of a denied claim, securing a lump-sum settlement, or receiving ongoing benefits. Your lawyer’s goal will be to secure the maximum benefits you are entitled to under the law.

How do I choose the right long-term disability lawyer in Kingston?

Choose a lawyer with extensive experience in long-term disability law, a proven track record of success, and who you feel comfortable communicating with. It’s also beneficial to select a lawyer who is locally based and understands the specific legal landscape of Ontario

How long does it take to resolve a long term disability case?

The duration of a case can vary depending on its complexity and whether it goes to trial. Some cases may resolve in just a few months, while others could take several years to conclude. Your lawyer should be able to provide an estimated timeline for how long your specific case might take.

Can I consult a disability lawyer before applying for benefits?

Yes, you may consult with a long term disability lawyer Kingston before applying for benefits.

What specific expertise does a long term disability lawyer bring to my case?

The team at Unified LLP offers extensive knowledge of the federal disability benefits, long term disability insurance, the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, and all other relevant acts that can be leveraged to help you maximize the compensation you’re entitled to.

Note that this FAQ provides general information and should not be considered legal advice. Consult with Unified’s experienced long term disability lawyer Kingston for personalized guidance regarding your specific situation.